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QCanvasText Class Reference
[ canvas module ]

A text object on a QCanvas. More...

#include <qcanvas.h>

Inherits QCanvasItem.

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Protected Members

Detailed Description

A text object on a QCanvas.

A QCanvasText has text, a font, color, and position.

Member Function Documentation

QCanvasText::QCanvasText ( QCanvas * canvas )

Constructs a QCanvasText with the text "", on canvas.

QCanvasText::QCanvasText ( const QString & t, QCanvas * canvas )

Constructs a QCanvasText with the text t, on canvas.

The text should not contain newlines.

QCanvasText::QCanvasText ( const QString & t, QFont f, QCanvas * canvas )

Constructs a QCanvasText with the text t and font f, on canvas.

The text should not contain newlines.

QCanvasText::~QCanvasText () [virtual]

Destruct the sprite.

QRect QCanvasText::boundingRect () const [virtual]

Returns the bounding rectangle of the text.

Reimplemented from QCanvasItem.

bool QCanvasText::collidesWith ( const QCanvasItem * i ) const [virtual]

Reimplemented for internal reasons; the API is not affected.

Reimplemented from QCanvasItem.

QColor QCanvasText::color () const

Returns the color of the text.

See also setColor().

void QCanvasText::draw ( QPainter & painter ) [virtual protected]

Draws the text.

QFont QCanvasText::font () const

Returns the font in which the text is drawn.

See also setFont().

void QCanvasText::moveBy ( double dx, double dy ) [virtual]

Reimplemented for internal reasons; the API is not affected.

Reimplemented from QCanvasItem.

int QCanvasText::rtti () const [virtual]

Returns 3.

See also QCanvasItem::rtti().

void QCanvasText::setColor ( const QColor & c )

Sets the color of the text.

See also color() and setFont().

void QCanvasText::setFont ( const QFont & f )

Sets the font in which the text is drawn.

See also font().

void QCanvasText::setText ( const QString & t )

Sets the text to be displayed. The text may contain newlines.

See also text(), setFont() and setColor().

void QCanvasText::setTextFlags ( int f )

Sets the alignment flags. These are a bitwise OR or some of the flags available to QPainter::drawText() - see Qt::AlignmentFlags.

The DontClip and WordBreak flags are not supported.

QString QCanvasText::text () const

Returns the text to be displayed.

See also setText().

int QCanvasText::textFlags () const

Returns the currently set alignment flags.

See also setTextFlags() and Qt::AlignmentFlags.

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